Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Puffing Billy

Puffing Billy Steamtrain

Been a lovely weekend out here, very warm. Had a bit of a shock last week when I lost my job on Thursday! They were taking on more (permanent) staff, and they didn't have enough computers, phones, etc for all of them and me! So back to the job hunting this week. At least now I've got some experience in Data Entry should be easier to get another job.

We went out to Dandenong Mountains on Sunday, and went on an old steam train called "Puffing Billy". It was pretty good, very impressive how much work has gone into preserving it all. I'm uploading some photos from it now. We stopped off in a little village called Lakeside and had lunch.

Not been much else happening over the weekend. Still got a few places to go to when we're in Melbourne - Ballarat and Bendigo we're looking into. Probably going to go to Tasmania when our flat lease runs out (towards the end of May).

I've added a counter to the bottom of the blog so I know how popular the page is!


Russell Manson said...

Looks like these trains that you see in India with everyone clinging on to the sides and roof. Hope you are successful on the job front.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are lost your job pity you wern't nearer could give you plenty to do but pay is poor though. Weather is lovely getting lots of the animals out. Spring is certainly lovely. You haven't seem our Orcadian neighbours there they should be in Melbourne now I think. We enjoyed your folks visit so just checking up now when we will go to Orkney depending on if there is someone to keep house.
All the best

Russell Manson said...

We like the photos of Melbourne at night - reflections in the water looks good. Been nice here today but raining now - it is a lot warmer though.
All the best.