Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Made it to Darwin on Monday. Flight was fine - much quicker than the train! On Monday we just had a look around the centre and got settled in. It was really warm on Monday, a bit like Singapore again. Yesterday we went to Aquascene in the morning - which is a place where you can hand feed all kinds of fish, they come right into the pier and swim around your feet. That was pretty good, then we went out to Crocodylus Park which is like a Crocodile Farm. They had hundreds of Salt water and fresh water crocodiles, which they farm for their meat and skins. We made it in for a feeding so that was really good, they seem so docile then all of a sudden they turn a bit crazy! There was also a little Zoo at the park so we saw lots of different native animals.

Today we're planning to get the Open Top Tour bus and go out to the Museum and Botanic Gardens and a few other sites. Then tomorrow we're off to Kakadu National Park and on Friday we're going to Litchfield National Park and doing a Jumping Crocs tour where they feed wild crocodiles off the side of a boat and they jump out of the water for their food!

I've put some new photos on flickr but haven't had time to title them yet!


Anonymous said...

A lot of handbags and shoes there! Did you get to taste any crocodile? Got some once from Sainsbury's, quite tasty. Bet it's better if its not travelled half way around the world.
Chilly in Orkney today, back to having the heating on again tonight.

Russell Manson said...

Make sure they are no sharks(or crocodiles) around when you feed the fish. Highland Show starting today so that was a year ago since the graduation.Off to a 60th birthday party in Deerness tonight!Pretty foggy here today. Keep blogging.